Message de fin d’année 2020

Ça fait un bail que je ne vous ai écrit… Comme vous tous, ma vie a été chamboulée par cette chère Covid 19 et avec la demande exponentielle pour mes services, il n’y avait plus d’espace pour autre chose que le coaching de gestion et la formation de gestion cette année 🙂

Alors je prends un moment en ce début de vacances pour partager avec vous quelques réflexions afin de faire un dépôt dans votre seau après une année remplie de défis!

D’abord, je vous félicite, peu importe ce qui a pu se passer dans vos vies personnelles et professionnelles… Je vous félicite de vous être adapté, d’avoir trouvé de nouvelles idées et solutions aux nouveaux problèmes apparus, d’avoir encouragé vos pairs et vos proches lorsqu’ils étaient à fleur de peau et d’avoir su prendre soin de vous à votre façon durant ces mois de confinement.

Il est tellement facile pour notre égo de mettre le focus sur ce qui manque, ce qui frustre, ce qui disparaît, ce qui ne fait pas notre affaire que ça prend un bon niveau d’éveil et d’objectivité pour garder le cap par en avant et rester optimiste face au présent et à l’avenir.

The pandemic is for me another ill-wrapped gift of life… It has allowed us to bring out the worst and the best of us. Which part of you came out the most during the pandemic do you think? What were the messages for you to understand? Based on your observations, what needs to be changed and transformed in your reactions, your attitude and your behaviors for your well-being? And that of your relatives?

Our personal and professional leadership took a hit this year! Lol… I’ve seen my clients be challenged like never before in terms of human resource management, effective and engaging communications, mental health, financial resource management, customer service, sales of services and products, etc…

On the eve of 2021, it is essential to give yourself a moment of introspection and humility to target the model of interpersonal skills and know-how that we want to put forward and advocate within our companies to inspire, guide, support and develop our human resources which greatly need to have a human, honest and reassuring captain in these uncertain times.

I invite you to instill new values ​​within your organizations and your teams in order to emphasize and focus on what will allow you to be at your best despite challenges and lows.

If I may, I suggest you integrate the value of SOLIDARITY: how can you get your humans to collaborate, support each other, help each other and create a real chain of internal cooperation in order to bring out the best of all and of the company? It’s a conversation I have had with all of my clients this year and this addition has had a lot of positive impact!

I also invite you to integrate the value of emotional wellness: how can you and your employees become the gatekeepers of mental health in your activities and work habits? What original ideas can emerge by involving your employees in such an improvement in work life?

With the explosion of negative comments that we see on social networks, it is clear that many people are losing sight of the importance of looking at themselves, listening to themselves and working on themselves and their management of emotions.

We ALL have a capital importance to contribute and to bring back a balance in his way of expressing his discomfort, his insecurities and his frustrations. And most importantly, to remove its focus from this negativity and bring it back to the little everyday things that are going well and to ENJOY what we have.

By taking stock at the end of the year, bring your focus back to the successes, the new ideas, the talents that have emerged, the responsibilities that have changed, the hopes and the lessons learned. Be proud of who you have been and what you have done to respond to this unprecedented crisis as best you can.

If you haven’t already done so, I invite you to take stock with your team when you return from the holidays to solidify your precious resources, strengthen the ties that unite you and align yourself in the « right » direction in your interpersonal skills, your skills. know-how, your values ​​and your new priorities.

I wish you a rejuvenating vacation and a holiday season filled with love despite the circumstances!

I remain available to serve you in 2021 and allow you to become the impact leader you want to be for yourself and your teams :-)))

You are often on my mind even though I don’t connect with you as often through this medium anymore!

Looking forward to crossing your path in 2021 and above all, be wise and careful to look after your most precious asset: your body and your health!

With Love and kindness,
Warmly, Chantal xxx